Our inaugural Call To The Pen features the debate on the merits of Interleague play. Since, you know, that just happens to be starting this weekend. This topic has totally not been played out. I'm pretty sure we're the first ones to ever discuss it in fact. Which, seems odd given that it can be such a polarizing discussion. Especially if your favorite team has to play one of the crappier clubs this year. Which leads us to our first con to Interleague play, because it's always good to start on a negative note, there tends to be a lot of crappy teams playing other crappy teams.
This weekend alone, some unfortunate fans will have to witness the unholy match-ups of Giants vs. Mariners, Pirates vs. White Sox, or God forbid, Nationals vs. Orioles (what hath God wrought?). This certainly seems to be the greatest afront to the name of baseball, but it really is simply more a misfortune of bad luck, than a design flaw. From year to year there is no way to know which teams will be good and which will be bad, although one can make a pretty good estimation. The aforementioned match-ups this weekend appear horrendous now, but next year they could all feature first place clubs. This makes the "shitty match-up" argument moot. And besides, Interleague play offers way more benefit to the fan, than takes away.
The most obvious of benefits, is the ability Interleague provides to fans to see teams live, that they normally would never see. Unless of course you meet up in the World Series. How often do Blue Jay fans see the Atlanta Braves and vice versa? Interleague play also provides for some real, good, rivalries. White Sox vs. Cubs, Dodgers vs. Angels, Yankess vs. Mets, awesome! Without Interleague play you just wouldn't see this, during the regular season, at least. Add to this the novelty of seeing an AL pitcher attempt to hit (the NL ones are bad enough as it is) and you've got yourself some serious entertainment. Unless you're a Pirates fan, then you never really have entertainment.
Frankly we don't get the fuss over Interleague play. Yes, it does sometimes provide some epically bad matchups, but besides that, does it really take away from the game? And when you consider all the benefits that are associated with the match-up of old league vs. new, what's not to like? So this Memorial Day weekend, quit your bellyaching, crack open a few cold ones and just enjoy some good 'ol hardball. Play ball!
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